What distinguishes NORDIC BATHTUBS?
The Dual Therapy System (DTS) is an innovative solution that combines the benefits of a high-flow jet massage with a swirling motion of water. When bathing in the Nordic bathtub, we are subjected to a simultaneous massage both in the front and in the back, which ensures the most pleasant bath. Jet massage combined with warm, moving water relieves muscle tension and puts the whole body in a state of relaxation.
The bathtub insert is made of HDPE plastic. It’s a high-density polyethylene, which means it’s more resistant and durable in a variety of conditions and temperatures. It is also biodegradable and easy to recycle. The insert is also distinguished by its excellent and soft texture and ease of cleaning. The high quality and durability of HDPE guarantees a long life of the bathtub.
Nordic Star massage jets are made of stainless steel and are designed to optimize water flow and pressure as much as possible and thus provide a fully adjustable warm water massage. Using different nozzle sizes, we offer a unique massage therapy in every position. Nordic Star nozzles can be easily adjusted to suit your individual therapy.
Closed-cell density foam was used to insulate the Nordic bathtubs, having the best insulation parameters as well as material strength. It allows for a significant reduction in heat loss, and thus keeps the water at a constant temperature, without the need for constant reheating. This helps to reduce operating costs.
When you think of soaking in a hot tub, the first word that comes to mind is relaxation. So why create something that should be relaxing, complex, and stressful? Nordic bathtubs focus on ease of use and do not include elements that can often become problematic in everyday use.
The most important thing to take care of is to keep the water clean by using a filter and appropriate measures to maintain water quality. We recommend biological agents and the ozonation and UV-C sterilization system offered by the manufacturer. Thanks to their use, the water in the bathtub will not require as much chlorination as it usually does.